Selection Processes for Consultants

There is a right tool for every job. PDC utilizes two primary selection processes for Consultants


For projects with fees above $500,000 Design Professionals are selected through a qualifications based process that is specific to a project.


For projects with fees less than $500,000, Professionals are selected from a shorlist of pre-qualified firms.  

For projects with fees above $500,000, Professionals are selected through a qualifications based process that is specific to a project.

Procurement of professional services for larger capital projects with fees greater than $500,000 are facilitated via a specific Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Process. A search committee unique to the project is assembled to review the design professionals Statement of Qualifications (SOQ’S) submitted in response to the RFQ, conduct interviews and recommend a ranking of top firms. Upon approval by University Administration, negotiations commence with the top ranked firm for a project specific agreement.

Consultants respond to the project-specific requirements and evaluation criteria described in the RFQ document. Generally, the submittal, referred to as a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ), will include relevant experience and other requested information about the team.

The RFQ responses (SOQs) are evaluated by a selection committee uniquely assembled to evaluate the firms submitting for the specific project. The committee determines a shortlist of firms most qualified for the project. Those firms are invited to participate in an interview more specifically focused on the team's project approach. The shortlisted firms are then ranked.

The University will attempt to negotiate scope, fees, terms and conditions with the highest ranked firm first. Upon successful negotiation the project-specific contract will be executed with the selected firm.

For projects with fees less than $500,000, Professionals are selected from a shorlist of pre-qualified firms.  Firms are pre-qualified through the Annual Request for Qualifications process.