There is a right tool for every job. PDC utilizes four primary delivery methods for capital construction projects.
Construction Manager at Risk (CM@R)
CM@R construction contractors are selected through a project specific qualification-based process in response to an individual Request for Qualifications (RFQ) solicitation. The successful CM@R contractor is then asked to provide pre-construction and construction phase services for that specific project.
Design Bid Build (DBB)
DBB construction contractors for some specific projects are selected on the basis of being the lowest responsible and responsive bid in reply to an individual solicitation for project bids.
Design Build (DB)
DB (design and construction) teams are selected through either a 1-stage or 2-stage process.
In a 1-stage process, the DB teams for certain specific projects are identified for consideration through a project specific qualifications based process in response to an individual Request for Qualifications (RFQ) solicitation. The successful DB team is then asked to provide design and construction services for that specific project under a single contract.
In a 2-stage process, the RFQ process is used to determine a short list of DB firms to which a RFP is issued. Responses to the RFP will include a conceptual design and a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for that design. The successful DB team is then asked to complete the design and provide construction services for that specific project for the GMP amount in their proposal under a single contract.
Job Order Contracting (JOC)
JOC construction contractors are selected through a qualifications based selection process in response to a Request for Proposal (RFP) solicitation that is issued on a five year cycle. Work orders for projects under $4M are then issued to JOC Contractors through an internal JOC selection process. The next JOC RFP solicitation will be in 2027.